Planet Heart Health--Nutrition and Fitness that you can connect with!

Get in the best shape of your life

HeartMark Health by Planet Heart

Our 60-minute long classes are dedicated to your needs. Whatever your current fitness level and health goals, we have a class and time that'll get you there.

Class Days Times
Planet Heart Barre
W, Thu 2, 5 PM
HeartMark Yogagalates
Sat 9:30 AM
Hemispheric Harmony Fitness
Sat 11 AM
Hemispheric Harmony Mandala
F 4:00 PM
HeartMark Health Pilates Th 6:30 PM by appointment
You Are Not A Garbage Can!™ W, F 5:30 PM

Call for times
Personal training By appointment, only Call for times


*  Planet Heart Barre™ is a fusion class in which we stretch, strengthen, make hearts with our bodies and allow gravity to add resistance.
The class is customized for individuals.  Many of the Planet Heart Health philosophies are integrated into the class, such as mindfulness, hemispheric harmony,™ and maintaining a happy attitude.  Proper breathing and alignment are always monitored in a positive, encouraging environment.
*  HeartMark Yogalates™-- The HeartMark is the Heart Hand gesture invented, patented, and trademarked by Tali Lehavi.  This fusion class takes all the routines that your body needs and loves and avoids all the ones that you've never liked and have never made sense anyway.  The lesson progresses from the ankles up through the calves and up eventually to the neck and face.  Every muscle gets stretched and strengthened incrementally as well, from small movements to larger ones. This is a basis of all Planet Heart products-- to listen to the body and give it what's good for it. 

*  Hemispheric Harmony™-- The latest fitness program will start in January.  This will challenge both hemispheres of your mind as well as your body!  The class is for ages 7-99.

* Hemispheric Harmony Mandala Crafts™-- Whether you are young or old, come play with our patent pending hearts to create heart mandalas art that will help you get in touch with all your wonderful you!

* You Are Not a Garbage Can!™-- Come learn why you deserve to like yourself and why you deserve to treat your body right! 

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